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Mississauga locksmiths
Are you interested in the best locksmiths in Mississauga? Then you have come to the right place for great service.

Locksmiths service
The locksmiths listed on this page were chosen because they offer the best locksmiths service in Mississauga.

Recommended by clients
Our locksmiths are trusted service providers that were recommeded by people in the Mississauga community.
Here is the best locksmith in Mississauga
KEYFOBS Locksmith
Address: 700 Dundas St E, Unit# 14, Mississauga, ON L4Y 3Y5
Updated by business 3 weeks ago
Phone: (647) 741-0525
What you need to know about Mississauga locksmith?
For Your information
This information was provided to help you learn more about providers fields of expertise.
What does a locksmith do?
Locksmiths are skilled tradesman who install, adjust and repair commercial, residential and automotive locks and security devices. Locksmiths fabricate and duplicate locking keys, change lock combinations, and bypass locks when authorized. Their skill and knowledge in installing and repairing conventional security hardware and lock sets take them to work in residential, commercial and industrial establishments that require varying levels of physical security to protection them from unauthorized entry.
Mississauga Locksmith's service overview
There is a common misconception that Mississauga locksmiths only pick locks. While it is true that this is their best known task, they also do several other things:
Cut Keys – Locksmiths can cut keys for locks in residential and commercial buildings, vehicles, safes, windows, etc.
Provide Locks for Windows and Doors – Locksmiths are able to provide, service, and repair window and door locks, two of the most common types of locks for residential and commercial use.
Provide Locks for Security Safes – Not as common as the door lock, security safe locks are a type of lock that locksmiths specialize in – they are able to supply, install, open, and repair all types of vaults and security safes.
Provide an Auto Locksmith Service – Many Mississauga locksmiths are able to provide an auto locksmithing service to their clients where people are given access to opening their car door if they’ve locked keys in their vehicle. Locksmiths can also program or reprogram remote keys and transponder keys, repair car key fobs, or provide a new key for the vehicle.
Provide Access Control Systems – There are some locksmiths that are be able to supply and install electronic access control systems for their clients, however this is a specialty that not all locksmiths offer.
Provide 24 Hour Emergency Locksmith Services – There are many locksmiths that provide after hour services if individuals have lost their keys, are locked out, or need locks replaced and changed.
When a locksmith installs locks in a building, he or she usually becomes that building’s default locksmith, because of his or her presumed familiarity with the building’s locks. Some locksmiths retain extra key sets, by request, to gain quick entry when needed. They also keep records of the types of locks used in a building, replacement or repair work undertaken, and any other relevant information, such as connection with a security system which demands that a code be entered when a door is unlocked.
Locksmith Duties and Responsibilities
- Market security lock systems, keyless entry locks, key control systems, window bars and heavy window or door deadbolts
- Repair or replace damaged components of entrance and exit doors
- Repair and replace damaged door and window locks, hinges and electric locking release mechanisms
- Examine locking mechanisms and fabricate keys to replace lost or damaged keys
- Assist clients in unlocking doors when keys are lost or in changing lock combinations by inserting new pins into locksets
- Design and develop master key systems for banks, power plants, manufacturing plants, warehouses, and apartment complexes
- Install and repair electric strikes and electronic security hardware
- Change lock combinations on safe and vault doors
- Create keys from code
- Duplicate keys for residences, shops, department stores and warehouse as a commercial service
- Open safes when the combination is unknown and change combinations and make repairs to safe locks when necessary
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